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Faliro Residential Building

The proposal concerns the restoration of the existing l isted building on Falireos Street in Neo Faliro and the addition of a new independent seven - storey building. The addition includes a total of 15 new apartments.

The design provides for the restoration and operation of the listed buildingas a two-storey residence with an independent entrance and internal staircase. The soil qualitydoes not allow for deep excavation. Therefore, to meet parking requirements, the ground floorof the extension is used as a pilotis for parking and car traffic to the basement (also used as astaging area).

A key element of the composition was the placement of the new building on the plot in relationto the listed building. The new building is positioned to the rear of the listed building and incontact with it. The existence of the listed building on the plot, and compliance with themandatory distances from neighbouring buildings makes it difficult to exhaust the building factor.For this reason, part of the superstructure of the seven-storey building-from the third floorupwards-rests on the cornice ofthe roof of the existing building. In this part of the building theroof is removed but the horizontal decoration is retained. The staggering of the height was adesign intention to enhance the character of the listed building. The part of the addition that isbased on the listed building is mainly balconies to avoid detracting from the composition in termsof volume and visual impact. As far as the listed building is concerned, the shell and roof are beingfully restored and all the windows on the elevations are also being replaced with new ones,identical to the existing ones. The exterior decoration is repaired, or in cases where this is notpossible, rebuilt.